Motherhood: The Spark That Ignited My Entrepreneurial Spirit.

Hello dear readers! I'm excited to share a bit about my motherhood journey, which has been filled with joy and challenges in ways I never imagined.

When my baby Atilla was born, I knew my life would change forever, but what I didn’t anticipate was how motherhood would awaken a deep entrepreneurial spirit within me.

As a mother, I had to juggle the responsibilities of caring for my newborn, maintaining a household, and nurturing my personal growth. This balancing act brought with it a new level of resilience and creativity. I began to realize that the skills I was honing as a mother—time management, problem-solving, patience, and adaptability—were the same skills needed to thrive as an entrepreneur.

This mommy role made me crave flexibility like never before. I wanted to be fully present for Atilla’s milestones without sacrificing my passions or professional ambitions. This desire for a work-life balance that I controlled pushed me to explore entrepreneurship more seriously. The idea of creating something that aligned with both my role as a mother and my creative aspirations was incredibly empowering.

Becoming a mother also gave me a new sense of purpose. With Atilla in my life, I wanted to build a legacy not only for myself but for my family. This led me to dive into ventures that I am passionate about—fashion, business coaching, and creative projects. It became a reflection of the lessons I want to pass on to Atilla about hard work, passion, and creativity.

As I continue to grow both as a mother and an entrepreneur, I am reminded every day of how these two roles complement each other. Motherhood has sparked my entrepreneurial spirit, and I am excited to see where this journey takes me, with Atilla by my side as both my greatest inspiration and my biggest motivation.

I am forever grateful. <3


The Juicy Prize of Inner Work.